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How to Size Your Designs

Sizing and saving wallpaper designs requires a specific approach. Each design must evenly repeat across the 24" roll width. It's crucial to ensure your original design meets the required specifications before we can launch your design.

We recommend creating designs at 300 DPI (dots per inch) to ensure the highest print quality. Additionally, your design's length can vary, but it's essential to consider the vertical design repeat (VDR), which impacts the number of rolls a customer may need. VDRs smaller than 24" are generally preferable. Explore more details in our Wallpaper Terms and FAQ.

When creating wallpaper designs, consider these options:

  1. For a single repeat, design on a canvas with a width of 3600 pixels, with flexible height.
  2. Opt for a canvas with a width of 1800 pixels (12" x 300dpi) for designs repeating twice across each roll.
  3. Design on a canvas with a width of 900 pixels (6" x 300dpi) for designs repeating four times.

Following these guidelines ensures your designs align perfectly and offer a seamless wallpaper experience for our customers.